Tuesday, 7 August 2012

My View

Realness of resurrection

I Believe that Jesus resurrected physically as many scriptures teach, if this is not so then Christianity is false and just a theory of the next educated man. I believe that Paul doesn’t disprove this or doesn’t believe that Jesus rose physically, but he rather goes further in explaining the state or condition of the resurrected body.

The sceptics to prove their point will usually first discredit the account of authors of mark Luke and Matthews and John, where the resurrection prove is given or will give accounts which are not recorded in the scriptures and say God miraculously disposed of Jesus body and the resurrected spirit Jesus would materialise himself in some instances to prove he’s alive for he had the power to do so. This doesn’t make sense and shows further how a man can use his mind to mislead the multitude, and yet we have thousand of people following and believing these absurd theories. But I’m telling you fellow Christians this is just the work of the devil.

We however stand firm in our faith, and believe that each scripture in the bible was written with the inspiration of the Holy Ghost. And if there is any argument we must entertain it must be based on the bible. Our faith is in the Lord Jesus ,we have no other source that testify of Him except new testament of the bible ,if our source is false then we have no bases to defend our faith and it will all be lies, therefore we conclude that the source of our faith is the bible.

My understanding of resurrection according to the bible, with the belief that all the resurrection testimonies recorded are factual. For Christ to be proved he is the messiah prophesies about him from the Old Testament had to come true. A certain men had to live on earth, die and ‘his body shall not rot in the grave’. Peter quote this in speech in Act ,it is clear that the body that was placed in the grave was the body that was crucified and the body that rot or rather decompose it’s the physical body which every men has ‘ he who says that Jesus came not as flesh is an Antichrist’ so its clear the body of Christ that was placed in the tomb was flesh and bones like everybody else’s, but here is the miracle ,our  body discompose when we die our ancestors bodies decomposed already but Jesus like God said long ago did not rot/decompose in the grave instead He was raised again. For a earthly body to be a heavenly body its like a seed ,we are first alive in earthly bodies ,Paul compares our earthly bodies to seeds ,he says for a seed to sprout to life it must first die ,similarly our earthly bodies must first die then be sowed(buried) into the ground ,thereafter the seed will grow later into its proper body, NB the seed doesn’t disappear but the plant that we see(the heavenly body) was actually that little seed(earthly body),this simply imply that this body of ours cannot poses immortality unless it dies first (or of cause are still alive during the second coming then in that case will be changed in a blink of an eye),then emerge a more beautiful ,powerful body, the body with flesh and bones but can go throw walls , disappear before the sight of men ,though not a ghost ,can eat fish and chips ,remembers ghost can’t eat ,but this is how an immortal men is like its safe to say it’s a spiritual body “when buried it’s a physical body when raised it’s a spiritual body” NB ‘it’ we speaking one thing the same body. Imagine your body and the body of someone who has died and rose, both stand on the road and two cars come approaching this two living bodies, can you imagine what will happen to these two bodies. The resurrected body will remain standing, the car(earthly) material will not destroy it nor harm it for its immortal it will not be damaged what so ever, but the earthly body that has not tasted first death will be torn into pieces ,use the same imagination to explain why the body of Christ could go through walls. That because the thing of this world can never bring harm to the spiritual body. Thus I believe the term spiritual body is a term to describe the state of the resurrected body, Jesus said when asked how resurrection will be like “all will be like angels” .remember in ancient times angels used to come to earth, in many occasion in the old testament we see angels as men like us, at Sodom and the one that wrestled with Jacob, these were men with flesh and bones but they were angels from God or from Heavens. My point here is this two bodies are in fact the same but differs in that the other body is weak and mortal, the other its powerful and immortal, the other can be restricted by the barriers of this world, men made barriers, but the other cannot, it can go anywhere anytime, thus the abilities given to this two bodies differs .obviously we cannot expect the heavenly to have same abilities as the earthly.

“Feel me you will know, for a ghost doesn’t have flesh and bones, as you can see I have”

I hope am reaching my aim which is to show that these two bodies in terms of appearance don’t differ at all but it’s their strength and abilities that differs significantly.
Lets go back to creation ‘God created man in his own image’ the man He made was not different from the angels they both looked like God, however this man’s flesh and bones was made of soil, the flesh and bones of angels we not told how they were made (above I told this angel when they came here on earth they had flesh and bones, they looked like mortal men but they were angels), Adam was given strength and made powerful to live forever. Later he sinned and that strength and power was taken from him so his flesh and bones died.  But for God so loved the world he send Jesus whom was also made with the same flesh and bones as Adam, by the sins of mankind his flesh and bones also died just like Adams, but those of Jesus was re-given strength and power to live for ever again as a sign that all those who believe in the Father through the Son Lord Jesus will also obtain everlasting life as was initially intended.

The revelation I’m getting as I’m writing this piece is that angels and men were the same at the begin or rather the wasn’t meant to be a difference between angels and men ,only that the  one will live in heaven and called angel and the other will live on earth and called men . To test the trueness in this I suggest you examine closely the events of angels visit on earth especially found in the Old Testament. It is revealed to me that angels have flesh and bones as men do. It is revealed to me that the difference is the strength, power or abilities and glory that belong to each.
If my revelation is correct and if you examine the scriptures and find this to be true then who can argue about Jesus statement above “feels me…”
For easy reference we shall call the flesh and bones of those on earth ‘physical bodies’ for earth is tangible we can see it with our naked eyes and touch its properties thus term Physical, those in heaven or in the spirit realm shall be called ‘spiritual bodies’, spirit because heaven is intangible to earthly being, for a spirit cannot be seen unless it wants to be seen or instructed (by God I believe) to be seen thus the term Spiritual.

I receive a revelation that indeed if a spiritual being is on earth it can be seen by those on earth or with Physical bodies, remember those who rose when Jesus was crucified was seen by everybody in Jerusalem and could tell that those people had lived on earth before, Jesus was seen by his Disciples on many occasions until he was lifted to Heaven, he spoke to Paul from heaven thus Paul didn’t see him. Angels in Old Testament could be seen by earthly beings .so yes heavenly beings as long on earth can be seen by men. Remember God spoke to Moses faces to faces and to Adam too, Adam on one occasion hid from him when he heard his footsteps, from this, one conclude that they used to hold casual conversations.

This is the way I make sense of the scriptures for I believe resurrection is real and all that was prophesied by the messiah shall indeed come to pass. When I write about a biblical matter I’m not claiming superior powers, I’m just simply showing my interest and enthusiasm in Christianity and because I received the Holy Spirit, I believe it’s by its power that I write .

Wednesday, 1 August 2012

“When I say I am a Christian” 

When I say… “I am a Christian”
I’m not shouting “I’m clean livin’.”
I’m whispering “I was lost,
Now I’m found and forgiven.”

When I say… “I am a Christian”
I don’t speak of this with pride.
I’m confessing that I stumble
and need Christ to be my guide.

When I say… “I am a Christian”
I’m not trying to be strong.
I’m professing that I’m weak
And need His strength to carry on.

When I say… “I am a Christian”
I’m not bragging of success.
I’m admitting I have failed
And need God to clean my mess.

When I say… “I am a Christian”
I’m not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible
But, God believes I am worth it.

When I say… “I am a Christian”
I still feel the sting of pain.
I have my share of heartaches
So I call upon His name.

When I say… “I am a Christian”
I’m not holier than thou,
I’m just a simple sinner
Who received God’s good grace, somehow!

Another poem by Maya angelou